Video: Quantifying Risk of Ransomware with and without Mitigation on YDC

Ransomware is a growing problem for companies around the globe. Hackers use this malware to encrypt company data until a ransom is paid. 

In addition to being expensive and risky to pay hackers with the expectation that all data will be restored, the downtime of businesses being inoperable while data is encrypted tends to be the largest cost. This is a problem that has no borders or jurisdiction, as all countries face ransomware attacks. Hackers can be in any part of the world, which makes prosecuting ransomware a challenge. Even when the ransom is paid, the average amount of encrypted data that is restored is less than 65%.Companies are spending large amounts of money to mitigate against the risks of ransomware attacks. However, companies are still operating against limited budgets. So, how do information security departments quantify the financial benefits of ransomware mitigants? YDC leverages a data science model to predict the reduction in tail risk associated with a ransomware attack. YDC creates a probability distribution as well as MIN, MAX, and MEAN values in pre-mitigation and post-mitigation scenarios. The reduction in risk is then accounted for on the data balance sheet. 
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